All our crops are produced in an open plan farming model. In this model, both our farms feature a very reliable and efficient pivot overhead irrigation system that uses borehole water and allows for farming all-year-round.

This unique irrigation system is why both our farms are circular in shape when seen from an aerial point of view. Furthermore, we divided our total land area into pie-shaped blocks that measure 1 hectare each, meaning we have a total of 160 blocks.

Through this method we have been able to successfully adapt a rotational farming plan for each block on both our leased farms in Marula Estate, Naivasha. This has allowed us to have consistent yields on a weekly basis since each block has its own different schedule from planting to harvest, spaced within a week of each other.

Our three main rotational crops are; french beans/garden peas, broccoli/cabbages, and potatoes. Each crop is under a supervisor who plans all activities from planting to harvesting, reporting to the overall farm manager who coordinates all the activities.